I am sleepy.
I see my bed's whining already.
Back t my cosy bed for a nap! :D:D:D
Yesterday's trip is a blast! I can't imagine the laughters! w00t!
I was looking through My Pictures folder and loads of wonderful memories started to flow in one by one. I knew I had to pen it down somewhere and since I'm super lazy, I decided to blog about it. There is only five days left before the day of departure. It was so long, yet so near. I always look forward to this and kinda feel hyped up 'cause of this. But as the day of departure gets nearer, I sorta miss a lot of people and things. I've been taking things for granted. These 3 months shall serve as a term of independence for myself. I started hypnotizing myself "3 months isn't very long, it'll pass by in no time!". But some things are just so addictive like drugs, I just can't imagine days w/o my family, and my friends. The things that I always do with my friends and family. I need pictures. I need hugs. I need real-life friends and family. Can I hug all of you in the airport? I know it's super kuku. People might be thinking I'm whining like some kiddo who have never been overseas. But for a first timer who have never leave my family's side and to a faraway place, I guess you wouldn't know the mixed-up feeling. Quit deciding for me what I should do! Stop! I'm just someone who needs my family's warmth and my friends' support:( I've been super emo by the nights. Emo isn't good at all. I shall quit it soon. But just by thinking, I feel emo already. How? :( :( :( another emo night for me again.
I had this friday (today) off, approved by the school to prepare for the trip. I slept till 12pm, and watched anime till my dad comes home before I bathe and prepared to go for the dindin with my dad's side. As much as I wanted this dindin t end quickly, my aunt surprised me with an angbao for safe trip! My mom was shocked too luh! Bought some stuffs for the trip and my uncle said he'll help me buy the universal travel adaptor and pass it t me next thurs. They're even sending me off next thurs. Unbelievable! But I'm super glad. 'cause my family and my beloved ah ma are coming too! Plus my fave mom's side uncle and aunt:D My uncle is fetching me along with my ah ma and maybe my mom. While my dad is gg t take the bus over with my other lil bro (i'll make sure he's free) to the airport. Eating dimsum before we go over t the airport. And and joyce they all are coming aft fyp too!!! Plus my dearest fiona and yulianti!!! Gosh, I'm super happy and blessed can! Bestie can't make it 'cause of her work and no.1 can't make it 'cause of chalet:( I hope jiajia can make it loh:( I know 3 months is kinda short. But t me, 3 months is a looong way to go w/o my family and my friends. It's hard. I remembered I told ruoying and afew that I confirm won't weep in public esp next thursday but I think I wanna take back my words. I'm super scared that I might cry lo. It's my first time leaving Sg with friends. It's my first time leaving Sg w/o my family. It's my first time away from home for 3 months. It's the first time I'm going overseas 'cause of school. Alot of first times right. Lol. I'll miss all of you, for sure! I hope I won't get jet lag or homesick. I'll tell myself t enjoy this trip t the fullest, bring back loads of wonderful memories, and be more independent in future:D To my poly clique: I've alr started t miss all of you. I hope I'm not being sucha bad girl during fyp. I know you girls won't cast me aside! I have everyone's word for that! It's been great t hang out with you all during breaks. Fyp is boring but you girls give it some more life! For all of the above, i love you all! My qq, my jo, my JL:D /kiss
20 march:Overall, a super slacky and crappish day! Had brekkie with the france gang. Chilled till 1030am. The only thing i can get with hanging out with them is laughters all round, always so happy. We always had over a million of things t crap and within a while, everyone'd go lol-ing. It was really enjoyable with them around. A little mood swings here and there. But still, i'm not very edgy. So thomas asked me to go watch movie with him, and I was like "ok loh, since I got nothing else to do". I kinda go alittle cranky during the train journey to town. Oh well, i've put that at the back of my mind now. Had dinner over at Mos Burger. Catched Mall Cop at Lido. It is a really funny movie. Recommended for any one of any age! Had abit of headache during the movie though. Bought hair moisturizer and medicated oil over at Guardians. Catched train back home. Thanks thomas:D I've a zillion of things to say. But well, I guess it's ok now. I've said my piece over the phone. No more grudges. Full stop. Now:12 more days to go. Somehow excited yet worried. I haven't finish packing my luggage. I think i'm going to bring half of my wardrobe and afew shoes over, plus some food items, gadgets etc. Later i'm reminding my dad to buy the universal traveller adapter. Over at the Europe side, it's using the 2 pin-hole. Most of the essentials have been taken care of. Those that is in the list but not yet in my luggage, i'll buy them latest by next week. Fyp is a drag even though i'm slacking everyday. I hate the fact that it starts at 830am and ends at frigging 6pm. WTH! There's not enough time to prepare the stuffs, not enough time to sleep my fill. All in all, a waste of time! 'nuff said, i'm sick of fyp already. alright, off to my grams's hse for dinner! she's cooking a good meal all for me! awwww~ love her to bits:D
okay. Macbook is coolshit! like seriously, it totally rock my socks! I'm in my bro's room, using his new macbook. I'm so jealous of him now. I shouldn't listen to some people and got myself a macbook years back. Damnit! If not, now im a happy macbook/apple user. Everything in macbook is uber sleek! I esp love the menu bar! So cool:D And you guys should really get smtg from the IT Show tmr! It's definitely worth it. My bro got this macbook and the supposingly 300 over bucks worth of stuffs for only 99 bucks. So in total, dad only paid 2500 bucks for the whole thing plus 2 more years of Apple warranty. Damn shiok! The 99 bucks products include keyboard guard, Microsoft Office home and student edition, cooling machine, optical mouse and apple protection care. Worth it!!!
My dad is another happy man today. He finally got his desired camcorder after much hesitation for 1 year. A proud owner of Canon fs100 camcorder! It's a cool gadget which can zoom in to a far proximity and can play video or record for 5 hours. Although dad only bought 2 things, we carried a lot of paperbags etc home. 'cause of the freebies together with the purchase. Like for my dad's camcorder, we were given a free digi-cam (Powershot AS1000) in purple, 2 8GB memory card, tripod stand, battery, case etc. And we went for a lucky draw 'cause the purchase is more than a certain amount. Damn shiok!!!
Haiz. A pity i'm very very broke loh. Didn't get to buy anything though. I saw Canon Ixus 95IS, i think its the newest addition. Damn chio loh! And it's cheap leh. Only 399 bucks or 499 bucks i think. SIAN!!!!!!!!
On a side note, I hate all the preparation for going overseas. There's so much for me to do. And there's even a crash course for french language. It somehow makes me want to stay in sg.
I'm preparing to sleep now. 'cause this fyp is making me crazy with puntuality etc. It's 830am to 6pm for the weekdays. I'm confined in a fyp lab with all unfamiliar faces. Thanks god, there's wenhua who is going to france with me there:D All ecc students, only 2 mit students. And the sian part is we all needa do programming. My project needs me to use Visual Basic and ASP.NET to do. Everyone around is using facebook to communicate if they don't have MSN Messenger. HAHA. Then when it comes to breaks, all of us are uber eager to get out of the lab. Our fyp lab is zombie zone. Everyone is slacking, lazing around. I'm lucky to get a pc with internet access, if not I can really DIE. I hope the supervisor in charge of the lab make good of her words. 'cause I want t have my brekkie break, lunch break and tea break everyday!!! Bye.
Suddenly, many thoughts run in my mind today. Adding onto the running things on my head, I heard a nice emo song. It's been playing on my iTunes for hours. cai bu tou - ding dang 猜不透 你最近是好是坏的沉默 我也不想去追问太多 但是他为彼此的戏上了锁 猜不透 相处会比分开还寂寞 两个人都只是得过且过 无法感受每次触摸 是真的 是热的 如果乎远乎近的洒脱是你要的自由 那我宁愿回到一个人生活 如果乎冷乎热的温柔是你的借口 那我宁愿对你从没认真过
猜不透 相处会比分开还寂寞 两个人都只是得过且过 无法感受每次触摸 是真的 是热的 如果乎远乎近的洒脱是你要的自由 那我宁愿回到一个人生活 如果乎冷乎热的温柔是你的借口 那我宁愿对你从没认真过 如果乎远乎近的洒脱是你要的自由 那我宁愿回到一个人生活 如果乎冷乎热的温柔是你的借口 那我宁愿对你从没认真过 到底这感觉谁对谁错 我已经不想追求 越是在乎的人越是猜不透
I have been thinking if what I did was wrong all the while.